How Small Website Improvements Can Generate Sales

by | Jun 19, 2017 | Online Lead Generation, Responsive Website Design

In our increasingly technology-reliant society, many consumers will explore your company’s website prior to inquiring about your services and making a sale. Focusing on user experience design and website functionality can often lead to decreased attention on the content and layout. Before undergoing a huge redesign, consider these small changes to better inform your potential clients and generate more future sales.


1. Design a Clear and Concise Home Page

To attract a larger market, your business probably has numerous different products and services. Rather than displaying all these options on the home page, select one, or a related set of products, to highlight. Focus on the key benefits of your products while also making it easy for visitors to find specific items.


Jason’s deli is a chain of fast-casual restaurants known for its natural ingredients and healthy options.


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On the restaurant’s home page, an image of one of their healthy options accompanies a description about what makes their food desirable and superior to others like it. The bar at the top of the screen makes it easy for customers to quickly search for the restaurant’s menu, nutritional facts, locations, or other necessary information. Jason’s deli emphasizes their focus on wholesome ingredients from the home screen and throughout the many pages on the website.


2. Focus on the Client Experience

Too often business owners focus on their own journeys in developing the product or service they sell. Instead, think about how customers will use what you created and alter website copy to reflect it. You are pitching your business to your prospective client when they enter your website, so ensure your website feels relevant to their specific needs.


Tableau is an analytics software allowing individuals, companies or other organizations to easily create interactive charts and graphs around data.


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Their home screen is simple and immediately conveys how the visitor of the site could benefit from use: “Make your data make an impact.” The three sections below the headline directly pitch to the type of consumer on the web page, further personalizing the experience, making a sale more likely.


3. Images, Images, Images

People remember 20 percent of what they read and 80 percent of what they see, making graphics, images or charts imperative to the success of your website. Whether meant to show the success of your business’s past products or display the variety of work your company can do, potential customers will better remember what you do if you can show it.


Cardinal Spirits, a distillery in Bloomington, Indiana, successfully uses an image-heavy home page.



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The side-by-side pictures indicate the delicious food to be enjoyed alongside a glass of their award-winning products. The images convey the message so clearly that the copy above them is unnecessary; customers will remember the images and consider giving the distillery a visit.


Sometimes a website also needs enhancements to user experience. Check out this post for some ideas on optimizing your mobile web page.

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